Associates Share Their Online Shopping Tips and Tricks
Have you been using pickup and delivery lately? Many of our associates have become huge fans over the past year and a half. It’s such a timesaver — especially when you know the secrets to making the system work for you. We hope these tips and tricks help make your next online shopping experience the best one yet.
1. Get the Time Slot You Really Want
- “I submit my order two days before my desired pickup day. That way I can reserve the time I want because the options are wide open.”
–Annemarie D.
- “The game changer for me was starting my cart on Friday or Saturday with my preferred pickup time on Monday night. Then all weekend I modify my order and add items as I remember things I initially forgot!”
–Kristina V.
2. Free up Your Weekends
- “Using pickup has saved our weekends so they can be reserved for family time. I no longer spend 2+ hours on a Saturday or Sunday grocery shopping. I pick up during the week in the evenings when there are no plans to be interrupted.”
–Annemarie D.
- “I add items to my cart throughout the week and check out on Wednesdays for a Thursday pickup; these are for groceries and meals for the following week. This helps me avoid the weekend rush with potential out-of-stock items, as well as keep my weekend open for other things!”
–Amanda O.
3. Eliminate the Need for a Grocery List
- “I always start my next order by pulling up my previous order in the app and adding the items we want again. I slowly build my cart over the weeks as things come to mind. Instead of making a list, I go straight to the app and add it. Just as easy.”
–Annemarie D.
4. Work as a Team
- “I love that my husband and I can both modify orders. So whenever he finds something, he adds it to the cart on his own phone.”
–Kristina V.
Getting Started is Simple
5. Find the Best Deals
- “I always check the digital coupons before placing my order. In the app, I search ‘free’ in the search bar and see what items are BOGO.”
–Kristina V.
- “Once I have my cart ready, but before I check out, I always scan the the top right of all of my items! This is where you can see if there is a corresponding coupon or offer.”
–Stephanie W.
6. Never Run Out of Staples
- “Before I check out, I also like to check the ‘Sale Items’ tab to see if there are any regulars I buy that might not be on my radar for that particular week. I’ll buy if it’s on sale and is a staple item.”
–Amanda O.
- “I keep a list of staple items that I don’t want to run out of, but don’t always remember to check before placing an order (paper towels, dish detergent, aluminum foil, shampoo, etc.). I always check this last once my cart is done. Having this list has helped me avoid those trips where you absolutely have to run into the store.”
–Annemarie D.
7. Get Notified of Substitutions
- “I always select that I’d like to be notified of order updates when I’m checking out. That way, I will be sent a text regarding any substitutions. I can take care of those beforehand and there aren’t any surprises.”
–Stephanie W.
8. Make Pickup Even Faster
- “I always go to the app and click the ‘On My Way’ button when I am getting ready to leave. This cuts down on the time of gathering my order once I park and check in.”
–Stephanie W.
9. See What’s New In-Store
- “I love trying new products — especially new natural and organic items. Before checking out, I visit the New Arrivals page to see if there’s anything my family might like.”
–Sue C.
10. Reap the Benefits
- “I save both time and money utilizing pickup and delivery as I’m a notorious impulse buyer in the store.”
–Amanda O.
- “Our family has saved money by doing a pickup order every two weeks instead of once a week. We’re able to have fresh produce for the first week and rely on frozen produce the second week. Doing this also helps us use all of our items on our shelves before the next load comes in so we don’t have duplicates, which frees up pantry space.”
–Annemarie D.